Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snickers Dark and Almond bars

Spotting imported varieties of regular chocolates is a little like stumbling upon a treasure for me. The other day I saw these two babies, and I was doubly excited. I adore dark chocolate and I've recently discovered that I also love roasted almonds in my chocolate. I was looking forward to the twists in the much loved Original Snickers product.

Because I saw and bought them together, I decided to do a joint review. So yeah, unless you live in a metro, you are not likely to find them in India. These lovely varieties are imported and are stocked by the snootier supermarkets and I get to have them. (#fuckyeahbitches!)

But seriously, the Snickers Almond is quite epic. IMHO, it is much better than the peanut snickers and I didn't think that was possible. But the Snickers Dark was a disappointment. The Dark variety is just regular Snickers with dark chocolate, but the peanut-nougat-caramel combination is so overpowering, that the dark chocolate doesn't come through. It's a good product by itself, but doesn't offer a dark chocolate love much. The Almond variety, on the other hand, is milk chocolate yet distinctly different because of the whole nuts.

If you're looking for variety, Snickers Almond is a much better bet. The Dark bar, which costs INR 110 for 51.9g (the Almond bar is similarly priced) isn't worth it.

Snickers Dark RATING: 3/5
Snickers Almond RATING: 4.5/5

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pure Sin Chocolates

Turns out my husband had been scouting the city for liqueur chocolates to give me for Christmas. Poor sweet chap didn't know that the new excise rules don't allow regular shops to stock  liqueur chocolates anymore. A shop has to have liquor permit to sell those, and the demand isn't high enough for chocolatiers to take that kind of trouble.

But in his quest for  liqueur chocolates, he heard of Pure Sin by Mood Swings Confectionery, a small chocolate shop based in Churchgate, Mumbai. Pure Sin Chocolates was famous for its  liqueur chocolates, which they stopped selling around two years ago because of the changed laws. But their name was recommended by several people as the go-to place for good homemade chocolates.

After being lost for a while in the lanes around SNDT college, we managed to locate the shop. A small sign hanging over the only functional shop in a line of seemingly empty ones, indicated that we were in the right place. The storefront was as low-key and once we entered the modest little space, it looked more like an office than a chocolate shop.

We were greeted by Brinda Javeri, one of the joint owners of the shop. She started the business along with her daughter, Arti, almost 20 years ago. "This is Aarti's baby; I'm just the sidekick" said Brinda. "The idea of making chocolates stemmed purely out of boredom. She was bored and said, 'Mum, let's make chocolates', and that's how it started," she elaborated. They ran the business from home for the first three years, and as it grew, they bought a shop.

Over the years, the duo have made several varieties, and their USP is that they import all their essences from the US. They also make most of their chocolates in a semi-sweet German chocolate compound. I saw boxes upon boxes with labels of their creations, and was amused by the funky names most of their chocolates have. Simple, elegant gift boxes lined the upper shelves while an attendant busily measured, packed, and doled out customer requests.

We studied their extensive menu and were spoilt for choice. We sampled some flavours and decided upon an assorted selection, because who can choose one when there are so many chocolates to be had?

Some of the more amusing chocolate names included 'Roses are Brown', 'The Big O', 'You crack me up', 'What the Fudge', 'Rock me Hazy', 'Charlee Brown', 'Baby Latte' and 'Berry got D Blues'.

The chocolates are reasonably priced and we brought home a pack of 250g for INR 351. We tasted nearly all flavours but some we really enjoyed included 'Almond Mud Pie', 'Hello Sunshine', 'Burnt Sugar Cups' and 'Baby Brown'. The mint chocolate called 'The Dark Mint Rises' wasn't a particular hit, but then, I have never understood the mint chocolate concept.

Overall, the chocolates are good, but not memorable. However, they will appeal to whoever likes homemade stuff. Definitely worth a try.


Pure Sin Chocolates
G-5, Pil Court, 111 M. Karve Road, Behind Bangkok Airways,
Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020
Ph: 022-22000267/8, email:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

All new Cakelings @MOD

Mad Over Donuts introduces Cakelings – a range of premium cupcakes deliciously designed in 8 different flavours to satisfy any sweet tooth. These gourmet treats are freshly made and crafted from scratch at Mad Over Donuts every day by their very own pastry chefs, using the highest-grade ingredients & baking methods. The Cakelings are packed in an irresistibly cute take-away box.

Whether you’re a chocolate or an Oreo fan, or simply love bananas and strawberry or you relish the refreshing flavor of lemon, Mad Over Donuts has a Cakeling for every one! Cakelings are available in the following flavours:

  • Chocolicious: Dense chocolate cupcake with a swirl of rich chocolate ganache 
  • Rich Crumble: Chocolate cupcake with Oreo buttercream frosting – creamy, crunchy & utterly addictive
  • Nutella Frost with Snickers: Rich chocolate cupcake topped with Nutella buttercream and garnished with chopped Snickers chocolate! Contains nuts
  • Coffee Cream: Chocolate cupcake with a creamy coffee buttercream frosting, dusted with cocoa powder
  • Strawberry Chocolate: Chocolate cupcake with strawberry buttercream frosting, topped with choco chips
  • Berry Bliss: A vanilla cupcake with blueberry buttercream icing, garnished with blueberry filling and silver candy sprinkles  
  • Lemon Swirl: A vanilla cupcake with refreshing lemon buttercream 
  • Caramel Banana: A vanilla cupcake with caramel & banana buttercream icing, with caramel drizzle 

Available in beautifully designed boxes of 1, 3 or 6, Cakelings are the next generation cake to celebrate any occasion. They are glorified cupcakes really, but when they look so pretty, who really cares?

Packaging: Box of 1, 3 and 6
Price: INR 65/ Cakeling. Buy 5 Get 1 Free at Rs. 325.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cadbury Twirl

So, it's a Cadbury Christmas! One can't help but keep coming back to this brand, simply because they have such a vast variety. I've reviewed a number of Cadbury products on Chocosophy, including cookies and chocolates, and the line-up still seems unending. This time, it's the Twirl, a product quite similar to the Flake.

However, unlike the Flake, Twirl has a solid/smooth layer of milk chocolate on the outside, which makes it a sturdier product. The Flake, while lovely, isn't a very popular product, because it is very fragile. The Twirl is an improvement as it gives the consumer that lovely, flaky taste experience without it crumbling into pieces all over the place.

The Twirl comes in the popular 2-finger format, which makes it easy to share/store. The milk chocolate is rather ordinary - like most Cadbury products are - and has the brand's trademark sweet taste. What makes it different are the flakes that melt in one's mouth.

A 43g pack with two fingers costs INR 60, simply because it is an imported product. Milk chocolate and Cadbury lovers will like it but it certainly isn't unmissable.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Heidi Dark Espresso

There's a reason why Swiss chocolates are considered among the best in the world. Brands like Heidi uphold the legacy of quality and variety and delight consumers year after year. However, the Swiss brand has changed hands recently, and was formally taken over by the Romanian company, Kex Confectionery SA in April 2013. One can only hope that Heidi retains the reputation it has built over the years.  And going by this chocolate bar, nothing has changed.

I was fairly impressed the first time I ate and reviewed a bar of Heidi chocolate. It was a Heidi Grand 'Or Milk chocolate with Almond Florentine and I remember being amazed at the innovative combination. So when a friend gifted me another one from the house of Heidi, I was like this ---->  :D

The Heidi Dark Espresso is one delightful coffee-chocolate and I know because I've tried quite a few of those. I think I am partial to caffeine's kick as far as flavoured chocolates go. On opening, the bar smells rich with the distinctive aroma of coffee. The slim bar snaps cleanly and easily into convenient sized squares. The rosette inscribed chocolate pieces melt beautifully in the mouth, releasing dense cocoa and coffee flavours. My only grouse against this are the tiny coffee nibs in the chocolate... not too fond of them. But for those who love a little texture in their chocolate, the Heidi Dark Espresso will be a delight.

This 100gm bar will cost you approx. INR 200 and it will be well worth it. It'll also make for a good last minute Christmas present if you haven't bought anything yet!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nestle Nescau - Chocolate Energy Biscuits

What is it about the imported variety of Nestle biscuits that is so... weird? I remember hating Bono just as much. Nestle's Nescau comes all the way from Sao Paulo, Brazil and is apparently a variation of energy biscuits. Energia Que Da Gosto in Portuguese roughly translates to 'Taste that energy'. Although, the biscuits seem to have no glucose or any special component that might give the said energy.

The wheat flour, though, is fortified with iron and folic acid, and there are other regular ingredients like sugar, cocoa, vegetable oil, flavouring, milk powder, etc. I fail to see how such commonplace components can create such hideous flavours. The biscuit isn't tastleless, it is positively cardboard-y.

The cream is not rough with a sugary, crude taste. The taste of chocolate is weak, if anything. Reminds me of the cheapest kind of chocolates sold at local groceries here. You definitely shouldn't be paying INR 50 for a 140 g pack, however enticing the packaging may look. I know it has a superhero appeal, but the taste is anything but super.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Choco Ch Swiss Dark Chocolate

All that glitters is not gold, and all chocolates that are Swiss aren't super. In fact, Choco Ch might even be giving Swiss chocolate a bad name. From what I can gather from their poorly populated website, Choco Ch or Choco Diffusion SA  seems to be a small Swiss company that manufactures and markets a smallish range of chocolate products and confectioneries. While it is unfair to write off a company/brand based on one product, I'm very tempted to believe that Choco Diffusion SA's products are sad.

When my friend gave me this bar to try and review, I was excited because SWISS CHOCOLATE! But now I know that even Switzerland is capable of producing crappy chocolates. The only thing half decent about this chocolate is its packaging.

The dark chocolate bar, as you see, is dry to look at and touch. It doesn't melt easily in the mouth, which means there isn't enough cocoa butter in the product. It also has an awful chemical taste, the kind that excessive artificial sweeteners have. However, this isn't a sugar-free product, and there's no reason why you should endure it.

So children, the lesson of the day is, if someone gives you a bar of Choco Ch Swiss Dark Chocolate, duck.

RATING: 1.5/5

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dr. Oetker Fun Foods Choco Fudge Spread

Suddenly, everyone seems to be following Nutella's lead and making chocolate spreads. Once the monopoly of the Italian brand, now the market is surging with spreads from brands like Pillsbury, Hintz and now Dr. Oetker Fun Foods. Dr. Oetker is over a century-old family-run business, based in Germany. Today, the company is massive in its product range, turnover and global presence. Dr. Oetker entered India in 2007 and in 2008, it took over Fun Foods, a major purveyor of Western cuisine in India.

Hintz copied Nutella's concept by making a hazelnut-chocolate spread, while Pillsbury stuck to plain chocolate. Dr. Oetker Fun Foods tries a different idea by making a Chocolate Fudge Spread.

For those who aren't sure what exactly a fudge is, Wikipedia defines it as "...a type of Western confectionery, which is usually soft, sweet and rich. It is made by mixing sugar, butter, and milk, heating it to the soft-ball stage at 240 °F (116 °C) and then beating the mixture while it cools so that it acquires a smooth, creamy consistency."

And this spread does taste and feel a lot like fudge.

Compared to Nutella, the spread has a thicker consistency and no oil floating on the top. While the lack of visible oil is a good thing, I wonder how long the product will retain its consistency. It's the palm oil in the other spreads that keep it soft for a long time. Newly opened, the product spreads well and tastes nice, although it won't give you foodgasms like the number one chocolate spread in the world.

A 350g jar costs INR 129, which makes it quite reasonable. It's a good product to try, and goes well with all manner of bread.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sofit Soya Milk - Chocolate

In my constant and futile bid to find 'healthy' chocolate, I sometimes buy things like the Sofit Chocolate Soya Milk. And halfway through my first glass, I always reach the conclusion that soy milk is sad indeed and my heart goes out to the lactose intolerant amongst us. However, the chocolate flavour seems to have become better of late or my taste buds are dying.

The change in taste may have something to do with the brand changing hands. Previously a Godrej brand, Sofit has been recently acquired by chocolate giant, Hershey's (India). In fact, Hershey's seems to have taken over two more brands most of us 80s/90s kids will be nostalgic about, viz. Jumpin and Nutrine Maha Lacto. Add to that the world-famous Hershey's syrups.

Coming back to Sofit, it's not all that bad when served chilled, but it cannot compare with good old fashioned chocolate milk. But it has loads of nutrients and health benefits, thanks to no zero cholesterol. It has very little fat too, but one ought to watch out for the sugar, of which there are copious amounts.

Sofit comes in four other flavours, including Natural, Mango, Vanilla and Kesar-Pista, which are available in 200 ml and 1 lt Tetra packs. The 1 lt. pack costs INR 95 and has a shelf life of nine months.

It's a good option if you are lactose intolerant or are just trying to make somewhat healthier food choices.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Lux Truffe Truffino

This one's come all the way from Turkey. Lux Truffe by Truffino is made by a Turkish company called Cagla Cikolata. Established in 1992 as a one-factory unit, Cagla Cikolata has grown to be one of the largest confectionery manufacturing companies in the region. It exports products to several nations in the world, and in India, they are imported by KK Importers in Navi Mumbai.

But imported doesn't necessarily mean good. Calling something limited edition doesn't mean it's good either. These here are extremely average truffles and we certainly make better chocolates in India. For example, the Alpino truffles by Nestle are better, although I don't like them much.

As you can see in the picture, the real deal isn't anything like the one on the packaging - the outer layer has no beautiful texture. The chocolate creme inside is decent and there's a whole hazelnut in the centre. But the taste experience is underwhelming and as always, I find the milk chocolate too sweet. If it is truffles you want, there's nothing to beat Ferrero Rochers for an everyday treat.

This box is priced at INR 60 and has just three individually-packed truffles, which is 20 bucks apiece and it's definitely not worth it.

RATING: 2.5/5

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Divine Crush from Mad Over Donuts

Inspired by the worldwide trend, Mad Over Donuts, introduces the Divine Crush Donut! Dipped in milk chocolate and topped with Gems candy, it’s a crush that will play on your mind all day long.

Divine Crush Donuts are sure to get you addicted! Sink your teeth into this divine goodness, as you experience this exciting new donut flavor; in stores for limited time only.

So head to your nearest Mad Over Donuts to turn your candy obsession into a real-life sugar rush!

Price: INR 55 per donut
Available for a limited period only
Available across all Mad Over Donuts stores in the country except airport kiosks.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Theana's Little Den

Take a little gander through Facebook and you come across scores of chocolatiers. Their pages are colourful places where they are either sharing pictures of their latest creations, taking orders, sharing recipes or simply their love for chocolate. This growing community is passionate and is trying in its own little way to add to this sweet industry. I came across one such, called Theana's Little Den, and was charmed by its cute logo and earnestness.

Theana's Little Den is a home-based chocolatier, who believe in 'creativity, uniqueness and surprises'. They offer a wide range of chocolate bouquets and make customised chocolates and cakes. I think the alphabet chocolate squares are particularly cute and will make great gifts for little ones. Also, look at the diaper cake, will ya? :D

Their other offerings include chocolate-dipped marshmallows, muffin bouquets, cupcake bouquets, wafer/chocolate/food bouquets, cold-drink can cakes and all kinds of assorted chocolates. What's more? This all-in-one chocolatier also makes Indian sweets like kaju katlis, barfis, and gulabjamuns!

This Mumbai-based chocolatier can be reached on or 022-23812766/ 9820149913

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cadbury Oreo Choco Crème

I'm back with another review of 'The World's No. 1 (overrated) Biscuit'; this time, it's the Oreo Choco Crème. I've tasted all varieties of Oreo, including Vanilla cream, Strawberry cream, Blueberry cream and Oreo Double Delight, which I have reviewed on Chocosophy, and I maintain there are better products out there. The Oreo Choco Crème is just another ho-hum variation from Cadbury's (now Mondelez International) Oreo stables.  

This classic sandwich biscuit comes with two thin dark chocolate biscuits with a layer of chocolate cream in between. The chocolate cream is lame with little flavour and all one gets in their mouth is a load of sugary goo. The cookie seems to have more chocolate than the cream! You do not want to twist-lick-dunk this shit, especially the lick part.

What is good news, though, is that Oreo in India has arrived at a very competitive pricing point with a 150g pack (including the 30g Free) costing only INR 30. I think this makes it cheaper than or at par with most other Indian products. So you won't be spending much and still be indulging in a fancy schmancy brand, if you so wish. I, for one, give it a thumbs down.

RATING: 2.5/5

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Milka Noisette

Established in 1826 by Philippe Suchard, Milka is one of the oldest Swiss chocolate brands in the world. The brand name Milka was trademarked as early as 1901 and it has been derived from the German words 'Milch' (milk) and 'Cacao' (cocoa). Some suggest that the brand name was Suchard's tribute to a famous soprano of those times, called Milka Ternina.

The brand changed many hands over the years, and was finally bought over by Kraft Foods, now Mondelez International in October 2012. Today, the brand famous for its trademark purple packaging, the purple cow mascot and quality products has a global presence. Especially so now, since I could buy it off the supermarket's shelf in Mumbai.

Despite my sworn dislike for milk chocolate, I will say one thing. This is the best milk chocolate I've ever had. The Milka Noisette (hazelnut) Milk Chocolate is a very rich-tasting chocolate with a beautifully dense texture. It's smooth as silk and melts in your mouth releasing the sturdy flavour of hazelnut. It's as sweet as any other milk chocolate, but I didn't mind that for the first time. Hell, I love it and if I had to pick one milk chocolate among the many I've ever had, it would be this one.

At INR 160 for 100g, it's not very expensive either and it has Chocosophy's love!

RATING: 4.5/5

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bobbi Brown Limited Edition Rich Chocolate collection

I reckon models make themselves happy by looking and sniffing this sort of chocolate. Poor things. But hey, anything chocolate works for me. So here's presenting the Bobbi Brown Limited Edition Rich Chocolate collection.

Reminiscent of your favorite decadent chocolate bar, this fall’s must-have palette offers a range of beautiful brown tones in an array of textures and finishes – from matte to soft shimmer to sparkle. These shadows are designed to be worn alone or layered for a smoldering look. Plus, the palette includes a Dual Ended Eye Shadow, Eye Liner Brush and mirror for easy, on-the-go application.

Shades: Bone Eye Shadow, Cocoa Eye Shadow, Stone Eye Shadow, Frappe Eye Shadow, Champagne Truffle Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow, Caramel Sparkle Eye Shadow, Rich Chocolate Eye Shadow

Price: INR 2940 /-