Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nestle Nescau - Chocolate Energy Biscuits

What is it about the imported variety of Nestle biscuits that is so... weird? I remember hating Bono just as much. Nestle's Nescau comes all the way from Sao Paulo, Brazil and is apparently a variation of energy biscuits. Energia Que Da Gosto in Portuguese roughly translates to 'Taste that energy'. Although, the biscuits seem to have no glucose or any special component that might give the said energy.

The wheat flour, though, is fortified with iron and folic acid, and there are other regular ingredients like sugar, cocoa, vegetable oil, flavouring, milk powder, etc. I fail to see how such commonplace components can create such hideous flavours. The biscuit isn't tastleless, it is positively cardboard-y.

The cream is not rough with a sugary, crude taste. The taste of chocolate is weak, if anything. Reminds me of the cheapest kind of chocolates sold at local groceries here. You definitely shouldn't be paying INR 50 for a 140 g pack, however enticing the packaging may look. I know it has a superhero appeal, but the taste is anything but super.


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