Monday, May 6, 2013

Godiva milk and dark chocolate pearls

Another fine example of the Beglian chocolate legend is the brand Godiva that makes some of the world's most luxurious chocolates. Originally a Belgian company founded by Joseph Draps in 1926, it was bought over first by the American Campbell Soup Company in 1972 and then by the Turkish Yıldız Holding in 2008. Godiva is currently owned by Yıldız Holding - Turkey's largest consumer goods manufacturer. Godiva is known the world over for its gourmet chocolates, especially their gold ballotins.

I was given these two tins of Godiva pearls - milk and dark chocolate - by a friend a few days ago and I was really keen to see what the Godiva reputation was all about. The nifty looking tins are of the flip open type and contain 43 g of pearls - 80 to 100 pearls maybe. They're perfect to slip into purses and other such and generally show off to people. I LOVE THOSE TINS!

Glazed on top, the chocolates melt in one's mouth rather quickly and taste quite good. Notice how I don't say 'great', because they.. um.. aren't. Yes, the chocolates are smooth and appropriately sweet, but they don't make for a memorable taste experience. It may also have to do with eating smaller quantities - one or two pearls at a time - that don't offer enough gustatory information. Incidentally, the pack also lacks information on cocoa quantities and such. The point is, Godiva's milk and dark chocolate pearls are underwhelming.

What is not underwhelming is the price; quite the opposite actually. One teensy, albeit adorable, tin costs almost INR 400, from what I gauged from the Internet! But I'm not writing Godiva off yet. I shall leave my judging for another day when I get hold of a gold ballotin for which the brand is so famous. But I'm certainly never buying or gifting any more Godiva pearls.

RATING: 2.5/5

1 comment:

  1. i haven't had any of the ones you have mentioned . i have only had godiva truffles. the one with a strawberry or rasberry filling was the best . extremely expensive but sensational .
