Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chocosophy news: Kit Kat Final 50, chocolate taster and chocolate masters

The Kit Kat Final 50 Art Project

Okay, riddle me this. What does art and chocolate make together?
"SWEET!" Duh.

Yeah, so Kit Kat pulled off this fabulous art project in Australia to 'immortalise' its Final 50 bars of the Limited Edition Kit Kat White Chocolate bars.

Artist Mike Watt was invited to make 50 paintings from 50 bars of Kit Kat Limited Edition White Chocolate bars. Watt crushed and melted the chocolates, giving him 'white chocolate paint' to work with. Check out the video below to see how he did it.

Here are some of Watt's sweet work and you can see all 50 in their FB album.


Welsh woman bags 'chocolate taster' job

There's actually a job of a 'chocolate taster' and this woman has it! Jane Ballinger, from Glyn Ceiriog, Wrexham, beat 77,000 contestants to win the post of 'honorary chocolate taster' for Cadbury for a year. Much like Charlie in the chocolate factory, Jane will get a year's chocolate supply for free and will be consulted for taste before Cadbury's innovations are released to the public.

I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant!!!!!


Denis Karaca winner of Chocolate Masters Asia Pacific Selection

Australian chef  Denis Karaca took home the top honours at the World Chocolate Master Asia Pacific round. The World Chocolate Masters is an initiative of the three leading gourmet chocolate brands, Callebaut, Cacao Barry and Carma. Karaca was followed by second place Lei Fu Veng from Macau at the competition, that was held in Taipei. Both Chefs won a full travel package to compete in the World  Finals which will be held in Paris  between 28th and 30th October 2013.

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