Friday, February 22, 2013

Trumpf Schogetten Tiramisu

A Schogetten wasn't perhaps the best choice to start my tryst with German chocolate, but it wasn't half as bad as one would expect from Germany's biggest manufacturers of 'cheap chocolate'. Owned by German food manufacturers Kruger, the brand Trumpf  makes chocolates like Aero, Edle Tropfen, Edle Pralinen and Schogetten, but it is Schogetten that sells the most. The brand offers many interesting flavours like Marzipan, Cappuccino, Yoghurt Strawberry, and Milk Caramel Creme, but I chose Tiramisu.

Schogetten chocolates are famously portioned, which means the chocolate 'bar' isn't a bar at all. Pre-cut into individual squares, 18 pieces form a neat rectangle within the pack and make for easy eating. With 65% cocoa, it is easy on the palate too - not too sweet, not too bitter. The chocolate pieces are filled with 'Tiramisu'. While the filling is generous, one has to focus very hard to experience the flavour.  

It's worse when refrigerated, because then it just tastes like a piece of mediocre, dark chocolate - it could be Amul or something your enthusiastic neighbour made. Neither is the chocolate smooth, nor is it flavourful. But at just INR 99 for 100 g of imported dark chocolate, you can't expect too much.

RATING: 2.5/5

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