Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pillsbury Choco Spread

Owned by General Mills India here, Pillsbury is one brand which has always delivered products of good quality. I've been a fan of Pillsbury's cake and custard mixes and was pretty excited to see a new product from the brand. A lot of other brands have introduced chocolate spreads recently, and it was good to see some more competition being offered to the insanely popular Nutella. Because I've always believed that chocolate tastes best pure, the Hazelnut-heavy Nutella has never found favour with me. I picked up a jar of Pillsbury's Choco Spread excitedly and tried it immediately - only to be disappointed.

The product is a little grainy and almost liquidy, which makes it drip. Not cool. I think I prefer Nutella's creamy texture, although it tends to dry up and harden soon. The recommended best before time for the Choco Spread is just 30 days, but I'm sure mine's going to last longer and I shall draw conclusions about its shelf life then. The taste is a little synthetic too and only the 5.3% cocoa solids (per 100 g) explains why. The rest of the chocolaty taste is derived from flavouring. Not cool X 2.

For now, it makes for an okay pancake filling and will go well with bread, rotis and crackers as well. Priced at INR 100  for a 180 g jar, it can't be called very expensive. However, it is a little too sweet and 'fake' for my liking, and I don't see myself buying it again.

Dear Pillsbury,

You fare much better with your cake mixes.
