Monday, February 4, 2013

Le Chocolatier Caramel-Chocolate Bar (by The French Loaf)

When I was taking in the sights of Chennai on my recent maiden trip there, I noticed several outlets of The French Loaf. I made a mental note of checking out one of these yummy sounding joints, but couldn't due to lack of time. However, on my way out, I happened to spot another one of The French Loaf's kiosks at the airport. But this one was a chocolate counter (joy of joys!) and not an outlet for bakery/patisserie items.

 I immediately headed over and saw the most beautiful display of chocolates I have seen in a while. I felt an almost child-like joy in seeing those variously-shaped chocolates in the display cases and revolving shelves. There were bikes and bells and spoons and rabbits - all made of chocolate! I clicked on zealously, while other airfarers looked on amused.

After a totally 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' moment, I made the tough decision of a purchase and bought a Caramel-Chocolate Bar for INR 165. I picked this one because I've never have a 2-in-1 bar before and who can say nay to milk chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate chips and caramel all at once?

Packaged simply, much in the manner of homemade chocolates, the products at Le Chocolatier are tempting to look at because of their see-through covers. Unfortunately, prettiness is all there is to Le Chocolatier chocolates - at least the Caramel-Chocolate bar.

Teeth-numbingly sweet, this chocolate bar was a put complete put off for me. It is probably an adherence to the standard Indian preference for supersweet chocolates, but a chocolate has to have some taste of cocoa, no? There is hardly any difference between the milk and the white chocolate, given the overriding sweetness, though I found the white chocolate to be a tad smoother. The chocolate chips do little to salvage the product, and the only saving grace is the caramel in it. The caramel sprinkling over the milk chocolate makes it look appealing and also lends it a welcome crunch.

I don't know how The French Loaf fares with its core bakery products, but going by this one specimen (which, frankly, is unfair), chocolate does not seem to be their forte. I'm definitely going to try some other products from the chain before I form an opinion about them, but my rating for this bar is surely going to be a lowly two.



  1. Tee hee... One of the many advantages of living in the same house. Also, I see you have joined the blog. Thank you (I did not hold you at gunpoint for this; you must approve. Yay!)
