Friday, January 4, 2013

The Body Shop Chocomania range

It's that time of the year when all brands think making heart-shaped and chocolate things is going to boost their business. I can't imagine why, because what has chocolate got to do with love? CHOCOLATE IS LOVE!

However, this is The Body Shop's Deluxe edition, especially for the Valentine month *rolls eyes*. Second only to chocolate are chocolate cosmetics, because if you can't feed your face all the time, you can at least stick your nose inside a jar of cream till you are dizzy. Cosmetic ranges such as The Body Shop's Chocomania, comprising a shower cream, a scrub, a soap, a body lotion, a body butter and a lip butter, are made just so caloriephobics (losers!) can infuse the goodness of chocolate through senses other than their tongues.

No, I haven't tried these yet, but their last non-deluxe Chocomania edition was fair. The best of the line is the scrub, that smells super and has gentle scrub particles, and the worst was the body butter that pretty much feels like a thick layer of flaky, gooey gunk. The shower cream and soap are okay to use too, and the body lotion is pretty pleasing. A word of caution against the lip butter - it tastes quite terrible, so don't let anyone kiss you when you are wearing some. That would make one nasty Valentine surprise!

Overall, the product range is good, as all The Body Shop things go, and put together in a cute box, will also make your girlfriend happy. These are also 'guilt-free' products if you've got yourself a nature/social activist kind of a babe


Price list (INR)
Body Lotion: 595
Body Scrub: 995
Lip Butter: 350
Body Butter: 995
Shower Cream: 395
Soap: 175

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