Thursday, December 27, 2012

Nestle Kit Kat Dark

I was wondering yesterday how I would avoid using this blog as an excuse to buy and eat chocolates everyday. Excited as I am about this baby, I would have to restrict myself to one review (hence, one chocolate) every three days, I thought. But the Universe obviously had plans to foil my efforts in the gym in the morning and it shortchanged me...literally. Running out to work I realised I had only 500 rupee notes in my wallet, and I knew I would have better luck with those notes in Timbucktoo than with Mumbai auto wallahs at 10 am.

So I had to go to a nearby grocer's to buy, get change. And look, mama, what sneaked into my hands when I wasn't looking. A bar of Nestle KitKat Dark chocolate! I am not the one to pick up wafer chocolates because they're only half chocolate, if you know what I mean. But the word DARK called out to me like cream does a cat.

But at only 40% 'darkness', Nestle's KitKat Dark isn't much of a treat to a chocolate lover partial to this kind. It's not exactly smooth either for those who will not be distracted by the wafer part of it. Unfortunately, the wafer part does not impress either because it doesn't crackle with the crackliness the TVCs promise. Moreover, this 27.5 gm pack has only three fingers, which is horridly inadequate, especially if there are colleagues around looking lovingly at your already tiny bar.

The good thing, however, is the pocket-friendliness of this chocolate. Priced at Rs. 20, it is good for dark chocolate aspirants and better still for weight watchers since 'It is only 40 kcal per finger (9.2g)'.

RATING: 2.5/5

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